Fertility and Sterility
hormonal (pill, ring, implant, IUS)
intra uterine device (copper, hormonal)
barrier methods (condoms, diaphragm)
natural methods
consultation to the sterilisation

consultation before planning a pregnancy
advice and examinations in case of fertility problems
monitoring of the menstrual cycle
hormonal analysis
advice on lifestyle
hormonal stimulation

routine check ups
Ultrasound examinations
Doppler-Sonography, 3-D / 4-D-Sonography
advice on prenatal diagnostics
follow up of pregnancies at risk

Check up
Consultation for girls
gynecological cancer check
vaginal ultrasound
breast ultrasound
gynecological infections
hormonal disorders
testing for sexually transmitted diseases
advice and care in problems with menstruation
advice on contraception and sexually transmitted diseases
counselling in sexual problems
completion of vaccinations

Follow up
support during that period of transition, that might cause problems
advice on phytotherapy, adapted physical activities
hormonal therapy
after birth
advice and care in case of problems after birth
breastfeeding advice
information on postnatal rebuilding
after any gynecological or breast cancer

Urinary incontinence
check of your vaccination certificate and general vaccination advice
vaccination against HPV (Human papilloma virus) for girls and women
vaccinations before planning a pregnancy
influenza vaccination in pregnancy and for other indications
vaccination against recurrent vaginal or urinary infections
analysis of pelvic floor and instruction for specific training
medical therapy
indication to surgery

here you can find useful advices on subjects in gynecology and obstetrics
Frauenärzte im Netz: https://www.frauenaerzte-im-netz.de
Informations about diseases and medication in pregnancy
Beratungszentrum für Embryonaltoxikologie der Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin https://www.embryotox.de
Coronavirus: https://aktuell.bvf.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Berufsverband/PDF/20200312_GBCOG_FAQ_Corona.pdf
Informations about infections and vaccinations
Robert-Koch-Institut https://www.rki.de
Professional association of physicians in Bavaria
Bayerische Landesärztekammer https://blaek.de
Acces to a platform that provides help in finding a specialist and availiabilities
Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Bayerns https://www.kvb.de​
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